How Do I Start SEO?

OK, so I know I need SEO, and I can see you have the expertise... where do I start?

'If the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle?' says an ancient quote. Good point!

Pioneer Websites SEO begins with an AR&R - Audit, Research & Recommendations (see sample below). Without this, any SEO campaign would be left to it's own devices, meandering through a wild sea of ideas, and potentially waste months of time and money - let alone missed opportunities. Our AR&Rs give authoritative, distinct and definitive direction to get your site ranking and receiving real converting visitors as soon as possible.


Is SEO the right approach for your industry and your particular business model? The answer is almost always 'yes', but we have to be sure. Then we ensure the best angle to take - so this is an audit of your business fitness for SEO, because a one-size-fits-all approach may just cost you more money than it's worth.

If your site is already on the web, we analyse how well it is currently being indexed, and ranked, and why. Our audits use highly technical processes which look and find for problems that could have been caused by poor development, mistakes with content, bad SEO like what we see from a lot of agencies out-sourcing to developing countries and hacking or other anti-competitive behaviour. It's not just an automated scan, or even a checklist; it's an experienced human thoroughly reviewing your site's performance and making direct connections with the reasons why.


We research in Google's live database of search queries (yes, we can see what people are actually typing in to Google) and determine the best keywords for your campaign, taking into account your budget and competition.

Competitor research in organic search results (SEO) is different to anything you'll know about your industry competitors - traditional competitors may be getting leads from other places, but competing for search and online leads is a whole new ballpark, so we make sure to research it for you.


Split into several easy-to-absorb sections, our report will identify areas of opportunity, and/or improvement to your existing site. In all, an average AR&R may contain 10 or 20 individual recommendations to be implemented in your SEO campaign. 

So for just a small fee, you will have a comprehensive document which will get you started, whether or not Pioneer Websites SEO carry out the work for you. Take it to your original web developer or SEO friend to implement - but first compare our prices, expertise and client testimonials!

Sample SEO Audit, Research & Recommendations

Sample SEO Audit, Research & Recommendations document.

The first thing you do is often the most important thing you do.

Especially with SEO.