Free Domain Name Registration

Stop. Don't pay $133 for your domain name at Melbourne IT or any other over-priced registrar.
(N.B. Melbourne IT display their prices in USD, so that's USD$133!)

Pioneer Websites have always done the leg work for you and purchased services wholesale so they can offer it to you at the best price. If you host your website with Pioneer Websites, your standard domain name registration and renewal is 100% free.

What if I already registered a domain name?

Don't worry, we can transfer it to our wholesale registrar and renew it for free for you, whenever it's due, for as long as we host your domain name. All we need is the domain key (password).

If you've lost the password, we'll have it automatically sent to you. If your original email address has changed and you can't get the password recovery email, we can help you regain control of the domain, hassle free.

Why can you do it free - is there a catch?

Actually, there's no catch. We buy domain names wholesale and pay a nominal amount to register them, so this is included free as part of your hosting. Our registrar is the best wholesale-only Australian Domain Name Registrar, and we have a wholesale account with them. So save your money and let us register and renew your standard domain name for free for you!

The domain name will be registered in your business name so you have full legal control. (Beware of agencies who register names in their name - you will not have legal ownership and there have been cases of extortion!) You can have the domain name key (password) if you want it, but we keep it on our secure offline file so you don't have to worry about it. We can also handle all email and postal contacts, so that we are your simple single point of contact - and that stops you getting a whole array of spam and scams connected with your domain name registration.

But I just want to reserve my domain name.

If you don't want to host the domain name but just want to register it so no one else can register it before you, then we can do that for you too. We can register and renew most domain names for $20/yr plus GST, and this includes us managing the registration so you never have to worry about usernames and passwords, etc, if you don't want to.

But why not redirect your extra domain name to your main domain? Domain name redirection hosting is just $50/yr plus GST and we arrange bulk discounts if you have many.

N.B. ICANN's domain name registrants responsibilities document is here.

N.B. newTLDs are not standard domain names and attract a premium surcharge - it's still low cost, ask us about the one you want. Free standard domains include .com,,, etc, plus the .net and .org equivalents, etc.

Why pay over $130 to register your domain name when we'll do it for free?

Standard domain registration is still free with us when combined with our cheap Australian hosting plans! Our fully managed service is secure and convenient.